2010-2017 Toyota Prius Oil Change Guide
Below you'll find a step-by-step guide for changing the oil in a 2010-2017 Toyota Prius with a 1.8L Hybrid engine.
Watch video above for an overview of the oil change steps.
Oil Filter With O-Rings
Toyota part number 04152-YZZA6 or equivalent
12mm Drain Plug Washer
Toyota part number 90430-12031 or equivalent
Engine Oil
5 quarts of 0W-20
Factory Maintenance Specifications
Engine size and configuration: 1.8L Hybrid ZVW30
Engine oil capacity: 4.4 US qts
Engine oil viscosity (SAE): 0W-20
2010-2017 Toyota Prius Oil Change Guide
The oil change on these late model Toyota Prius's usually takes around 25-35 minutes. Using a car lift and having all your parts and tools lined out in a clean work area will make the job even faster.
Before starting, make sure that you have all the proper parts and tools needed to complete the oil change. These are listed above. You may need to purchase some tools the first time you perform this oil change yourself, but they are a worthwhile investment that you can use over and over again throughout the life of your vehicle(s).
Prepare For The Oil Change
Estimated Time: 2 minutes
Tools Needed:
Plastic Ramps or Car Lift
Tools Needed:
Plastic Ramps, Jack or Car Lift
Tools Needed:
Plastic Ramps, Jack or Car Lift
Start by driving your Prius onto the plastic ramps or car lift, whichever one you have.
If you are using plastic ramps: Drive up the ramps slowly to make sure you don't accidentally roll over the edge when you get to the end. Put a block of wood behind one or both back wheels as an additional safety measure to keep the car from rolling backwards.
If you are using a car jack: Find the proper lifting point for your vehicle by consulting the owners manual. Once you have lifted the car with the jack, slide at least 2 jack stands underneath the car to keep it secure.
If you are using a car lift: Wait to lift the car until you complete the following steps.
Prius on car lift at a self serve garage.
Opening hood and removing oil cap.
Set the parking brake and pull the hood release. Open the hood of the car and set the hood prop rod in place to keep it open. Locate the oil cap and remove it.
Motivx Pro Tip: Set the oil cap on your hood latch, so that the hood will not close at the end of your oil change if you forget to put the cap back on.
Removing the oil cap at this stage will let the oil pan drain faster when you remove the drain plug later on. If using a car lift, go ahead and raise it at this point.
If your Prius has a plastic lower engine cover (also known as a skid plate), remove the push pin clips with a flathead screwdriver or small pick to let the cover swing open, revealing the drain plug and oil filter housing.
The drain plug is located on the back of the oil pan and takes a 14mm socket or wrench.
Move your drain pan into location before loosening the bolt. Note that the oil will come out quite warm if your vehicle has been running for any amount of time, and it will tend to shoot out quickly at first and then slow down to a steady drip, so adjust your oil pan accordingly.
A couple of things to note here: The plug may be quite tight due to weather or overtightening. Try to get in the best position possible to have the most leverage to remove the plug.
Start by applying steady, even pressure. If that doesn't work, try making a fist with your free hand and tapping it against the bottom of the hand holding the wrench. This extra bit of force can sometimes break it free. If not, you may need a breaker bar.
Take care to use the correct size of wrench and have it seated properly on the bolt, otherwise you may strip the bolt.
Remove skid plate push pins.
Use 14mm wrench for drain plug.
Careful - oil comes out hot!
Remove skid plate push pins.
Loosen drain plug with 14mm wrench.
Careful - oil comes out hot!
Once you get the drain plug to break free, loosen it the rest of the way by hand. There is a washer that will come off as well... if you don't see it when you first pull the bolt off, it has probably fallen into your drain pan or onto the ground, or may still be stuck to the drain pan.
Motivx Pro Tip: If you take our drain pan and drill a hole on the side of the rear handle, you can easily store your drain plug there while you wait for the oil to drain.
A nifty place to put your drain plug while waiting for the oil to drain.
It may take 5 minutes or so to let the oil drain out. Make sure you get as much of that old oil out as you can. As you wait, clean the drain plug. Also take a rag or disposable wipes and clean any spots where oil may have splashed on the engine. If you don't, you may notice a burning smell the next time you start your car.
Once the oil has finished draining, tighten the drain plug and a brand new washer back on to the drain pan. If you have a torque wrench, the bolt should be tightened to 18 ft lb. or 25nm.
Use new drain plug washer when reinstalling drain plug.
Using Motivx oil filter wrench to loosen tight filter.
Using a 27mm socket and a 3/8" drive ratchet, remove the oil filter with the MX2321 oil filter wrench. The wrench should line up with the indexing tabs on the side of the filter.
These housings can be VERY tight, so you may have to use a breaker bar with the 27mm socket to break it free.
Once the filter breaks free spin it off by hand. Take a rag or disposable towels and wipe the housing surface clean.
Spinning off oil filter the rest of the way by hand.
Motivx Pro Tip: Once everything has been cleaned up, you can remove the drain pan and set it to the side so that nothing gets dropped in it and you don't trip over it.
Replace the paper filter cartridge and the large o-ring at the base of the filter cap threads.
Take a bead of fresh oil on your finger and apply it to the large o-ring.
Tighten the oil filter on by hand and get it firmly snug. You can then use the oil filter wrench to make sure it is snug, but be very careful not to over-tighten the housing. You do not need to put any oil in the filter housing before putting it back on.
Applying a bead of oil to the new filter before installing.
Installing new oil filter - then reinstall housing hand tight.
Refill The Engine Oil
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Tools Needed:
Oil Funnel
Tools Needed:
Oil Funnel
Tools Needed:
Oil Funnel
Now you can grab the engine oil funnel and install it where your oil cap threads on.
Add around 4 quarts of 0W-20 oil.
Refill engine using OW-20 oil.
After adding this amount of oil, check the dipstick to see if you are in the ballpark for the correct amount of oil. If in doubt, it's better to add oil slowly and check a few times rather than overfilling.
Once the dipstick reading is correct, remove the funnel. you can clean it by taking a rag and wiping it out.
Motivx Pro Tip: Start your Prius and let the engine run for a few seconds to build oil pressure and fill the oil filter. Then shut off your engine and top off the oil, checking the dipstick until it is at the full mark.
Then re-install the oil cap and lower the hood.
Resetting The Oil Change Light
1) Turn the ignition on without starting the engine
2) Press the "Trip" button on the steering wheel until you see "Trip A" on the display
3) Turn the ignition "off"
4) Press the start button without touching the brake and while holding the "Km/H Mph" button
5) Keep holding the Km/H Mph button while the reset is in progress and until you are told that the reset is complete
Finishing Up
Estimated Time: 3 minutes
Empty all of the oil out of the old filter and throw it and the old gaskets away in the trash. You can usually dispose of the old oil that is still in your drain pan at a local lube shop. For transportation, you can pour the old oil from the drain pan into the empty bottle(s) of oil that you have after refilling your engine with new oil. Make sure to mark this bottle with a large permanent marker so that you know it is is old oil and should not be re-used.
Also make sure to reset your oil light on your dashboard.
If you've got a little sticker in the upper left-hand corner of your car that registers the last oil change date and mileage, go ahead and clear that off and update it with an erasable marker.
Motivx Pro Tip: Depending on how often the manufacturer reccomends changing your oil, make it easy on yourself and write in the mileage when you need your next oil change.
Congrats, you're done!
If this guide was helpful, please consider using a Motivx tool on your next oil change. It is our mission to make high-quality tools that get the job done right and last the lifetime of your vehicle. Try them out and see if you notice the difference!
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